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Just a little place for me to put down my thoughts and ideas as I work through some major changes in my life.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday - The Touchy Feely Edition

Oops... I just saw that my last post was on May 21! What in the world?! I've been super busy lately! I have had lots of experiences to blog about just haven't sat down to do it yet. Forgive me?
(that 1 follower that I have?)

Well, here it is Wednesday - one of my favorite post days! I'm linking up with Jamie again for

Here are some things that I'm loving today!

1. I'm loving that my mom and dad are coming to visit today! They left this morning and are headed up from Alabama. It's about a 7 hour drive, but my daddy has already informed me that they will be "taking our time" and will just get here when they get here. I talked him into staying one day more than he usually does, so hooray for me! I love it when they visit and I think that they actually have a good time when they come. For those of you who don't know my parents - my daddy is NOT the traveling kind :) He is definitely a homebody. They once drove 3 1/2 hours to visit me in college: they got there, we went to lunch, and they left right after to go back home :) Needless to say, a four day stay is a big win for me! Being the baby may have a teensy bit to do with it!

I'm looking forward to taking these two on  a trip to see the gypsy houses and tour the "Peach Capital of the World", see the lake at full pool (the first time in 3 years!), do some major "junking", getting some help with some things around the house, and most of all - headed to Charleston on Saturday to visit with my sister and her family! Fun times with the Bells.

2. I'm loving that my house is clean - at least for a few days! {See #1}

3. I'm loving this picture of my sweet greats.

Kellan G (23 mos), Brooklee G(3.10), Sage M (4.3), Hampton G(2.3)
And next year there will be two more! Sadie Quinn G (eta. Sept 2013) and baby boy M (eta July/Aug 2013)  

This was taken at the beach and they were obviously very tired of having pictures made. But, I think you can still see how gorgeous they are! I love them and miss them like crazy. 

4. I'm loving that my God thought enough of me to form a path that lead me to meet one of the most special  little girls He ever made. She is a light and a gift to everyone who knows her - and she has the most adorable toes I have ever, ever seen : > This girl has been through so much in her six years and will most likely endure a few more bumpy spots in the road. However, this girl is such a fighter. She wages every battle with the.best.smile.in.the.world. and without even knowing it, she inspires me to never give up. I often question the choices that I made that led me to be here in Augusta, GA, but when I look back, I can see that one of the main reasons for me to be here was so that my life could be blessed by knowing her and her amazing family. 

5. Finally, I'm loving that we all have these promises: