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Just a little place for me to put down my thoughts and ideas as I work through some major changes in my life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Totes Real Tuesdays

Well, look who it is! I'm back for another exciting edition of 

Totes Real Tuesday

Where you post a few things about your week or yourself that are totally real and down and dirty - something to keep you true to yourself and your intended purpose of blogging. To encourage us all to give up the need to be "as" 's - as good as, as crafty as, as skinny as, as witty as, as many followers as - anyone other than ourselves.

If you want to join me in the keep it real crusade, follow these steps:
1.Follow Me!
2. Link up below
3. Spill your gutsies :)

1. Those pictures are STILL against my wall. Seriously. What is wrong with me??

2. I got a new phone book two weeks ago. It's still on my front porch where the delivery man left it.

3. This is my current mode of organization at my office. I will soon pick all of those folders up from their separated piles and put them back in one big pile and then go through them and work on some and separate them into piles again and then pick them up and put them back in one pile and then go through them.... and, you get it.
4. I got angry yesterday. I just had a sort of "meh" day after a really good morning and then I started thinking and I got a little angry. I got angry about a lot of the decisions that I have made in my life and for not listening to others and, even myself when I knew something wasn't right. I got mad that I "wasted" (a strong word that probably isn't really true, but it's what I felt yesterday) at least 3 years of my life in a miserable existence. And I got mad that here I am at 33 and feeling a little hopeless about meeting someone who is just right for me. Everyone is so "grown up" at this point in their life and I feel like I'm still floundering around like a 20 something. Today is a better day, but still, the anger is lingering there. Trying to continue to take it one day at a time and just relish in finally being able to say I fell a lot more like the "real" Christy :) 

What about you sweet friends? Got anything to add to keep life "totes real"? Link up and tell me about!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Saturday Smiles (on Sunday)

I had such a fantastic Saturday! It was a busy one too - hence the Saturday Smiles post a day late! :)

:) My day started with a trip to the ATL to meet up with my precious niece Rivers. >>> for those who do t know the backstory, Rivs was born when I was 12 years old. My mom kept her most of the time while my sister and brother in law worked. When I graduated from high school I moved in with my sister, BIL and Rivers and lived with them for almost four years. She's my heart and as she's grown, it's evident that we are kindred spirits in many ways>>>> 

Rivers is working away from home all summer at Shocco Springs in Alabama. We both took a 2 hr and some odd minute trip and met up at Ikea. 

(Ikea can be a bit over stimulating - especially to two girls from small town Alabama!)

:) even though Rivers and I were hundreds of miles away from the rest of our family, we still got to sing happy birthday to our great niece/cousin 

:) We ate lunch at The Varsity - Our first time! yummy.fatty.goodness! 

We were pretty happy with our food! 

:) This amazing place

:) I found this sweet girl to start my vintage photo/sign collage in my bathroom. 
   I love her! And she is perfect for my bathroom and I have a whole blog post planned on what those four words "just as you are" mean to me.

:) I did this after I got home from my trip:
It was a short run with a lot of walking (the onion rings from The Varsity may have held me back some!) but it was on a trail and it was muddy and I loved it! 

So so many things to smile about yesterday! Hope all of you had the same! 

Until next time - which I promise will not be a whole month from now!!
