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Just a little place for me to put down my thoughts and ideas as I work through some major changes in my life.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

First Things First

Well, hello there again blog world! Welcome to my little bloggy! Please bear with me as I get it back into working order - they've changed a few things since I was last on here!

       Let's start at the beginning... a very fine place to start.....

Well, I guess I should start by just putting it out there - I am...... divorced. Everything was finalized in February and I'm just now starting to feel like my life is getting back in order.  For a while, my life was a dizzying tornado of ups and downs and twists and turns. The air around me was black and gray and thick with debris - sometimes the pressure from the storm was so strong I couldn't breathe and there were times I thought I'd never make it out. Thankfully, though, through God's grace and the love of my close friends and family, I am here... the sky is blue... and the winds have died down to just a gentle breeze with a few small gusts every now and then. 

I know many of you who may read this blog will be surprised about that information or are eager to know just what happened. If you are truly interested and concerned about what happened, you may contact me privately with your questions or thoughts. There will never be anything negative posted on here about my ex husband as I still care for him very much - we remain good friends and the divorce was extremely difficult for us both. Don't get excited - there was no scandal involved. Just two people who care deeply for one another, but ultimately, it was not meant to be.

Why would I even mention that? Well, I debated putting it out there.... wanted to keep everything just kind of superficial, but when I think of the blogs that I love to read.... the ones I enjoy the most are the ones that are truthful and real. I remember reading through blogs and few years ago and just getting so sad and jealous that everyone out there seemed to have the perfect life - the perfect husband, the perfect job, the perfect house - you name it. Things were just getting hard for me and I had a difficult time embracing my life because I felt that I must be the only person out there going through what I was going through. I was comparing myself to all of these "perfect" people online and began to believe that somewhere I had truly messed things up. I tried to fake it on my blog... but it soon got to be too difficult to continue with the pretend game, so I stopped blogging. I love the outlet of writing - it's something I've always, always loved to do and I began to miss it. I missed the creativity of it and I realized that I'm pretty opinionated and have a lot of things to say. So, I began thinking about starting it up again. When I finally decided to do it - I told myself that I was going to "keep it real" this time. So what if I share too much personal information or if I say something someone does not agree with once or twice? It's my outlet, and for all of those people who have never struggled with some of the things I'll talk about on here.... I bet there is another person who has. And that person may see what I have to write and think "wow... I thought I was the only one".... and with that, the horrible, terrible feeling they have may find a little comfort. And THAT is what I hope for. 

Thanks for stopping by my lovelies~ I hope to see you again soon!



  1. Good to see you back! Keeping it real is just fine. Nobody has perfect.....

    God bless you in this new chapter of your life!

  2. I'm glad you decided to start your blog again, Christy. I respect you for being so open and honest, and for putting it all out there. Everyone needs an outlet, and you never know what someone else may really need to read. I had no idea the storm you were braving, but I guess that's true of everyone. You will be in my prayers, and I'll be sure to stay tuned to your awesome new blog :)

  3. We've talked about this before...no one ever puts a picture on FB of their kids screaming or mentions that they're in a fight with their husband (myself included). Only beautiful pictures of their kids in Sunday best and flowers/jewelry/date night with the husband. Good job for keeping it real! xoxo

  4. It takes more strength to keep it real than to fake it. I think it helps people so much to see that everyone is just struggling to keep their head above water. Your truth in your writing "therapy" will surely help others get through their day, too. Take pride in that! Way to go, Christy!
