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Just a little place for me to put down my thoughts and ideas as I work through some major changes in my life.

Friday, April 26, 2013

It's A Man's World

Women's Libber I am not. I grew up with a daddy who "took care of things". Cars, yard work, broken stuff, bills... he was the one who did them. It's an "expectation" of mine (very important to be aware of these in your relationships I've learned) that the boyfriend, husband, etc will generally be in charge of these things. Therefore, I didn't spend a lot of time learning them.


Currently there is water in the tub from the shower I took an hour ago that hasn't drained because the  tub is clogged (again), I had to hire someone to cut the yard , said yard guy just called as he was leaving to say that he saw two baby snakes in the yard, the air conditioner in my car is not working right,  and just all the countless other things that it would be nice to have some help with.

Being on my own again stinks in so many crazy ways. BUT,  I am going to make it through and Im going to be ok. I don't know how Im going to handle all these things just yet, but I will. I am sure I will go all about it the wrong way and some major lessons will be learned as well. Lucky for ya'll there's likely to be numerous blog posts from all of these adventures!

1 comment:

  1. My dad was always the one that did most of the stuff around here. My mom days the day to day stuff and sometimes things my dad does but thats just because she only works 3 nights a week so she's home during the day. But i agree. I feel that the man should do well the manly stuff. Its funny because a few weeks ago we went to look at lawn mowers. Now for the past 10 years we've had someone do it because my dad cant be around grass but no that guy is gone so we have decided to get a sit down lawn mower. My dad told me that I'll be riding it. I'm kinda scratching my head about this. I dont even know how to mow with a regular stand up mower. This shall be interesting!

